Posts tagged ‘photo’

March 6, 2012

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” Mahatma Gandhi

Photos Compliments of Mr.Unkown

January 14, 2012

…Georgia Moonlight…

The moonlight reflected perfectly off of the clouds in the sky and the fog that settled on the land below. I sat out on a porch in a Clayton, GA home admiring the beauty that sat below us. Luckily I had my camera and tripod handy to snap the shot. The camera was set at an extremely low shutter speed, this long exposure allowed more light to enter the lens so I could catch the true beauty of the night sky. Always use a tripod with exposures of 1/60th or below.  

Enjoy the “Georgia Moonlight”…

January 11, 2012

A New Beginning… VB Sunrise Jan. 2012

 “Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” Jim Rohn

Sunrise Photos: Compliments of Mr. Unkown

January 6, 2012

August Skies…. Mr. Unknown Shares Another Sunrise

“The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything.” Theodore Roosevelt

Photos: Compliments of Mr. Unknown

December 13, 2011

“What Dreams May Come”… VB Sunrise.. From Mr. Unkown

“Every wall is a door.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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….. Compliments of Mr. Unkown

December 9, 2011

The Eye of London…

Reflections of  a past travel and photograph…

London was our first stop on our Euro-trip… The London Eye was a must see before our bus transported us to a new European world.. On foot we explored old churches, the typical tourists “must sees” like the London Eye, Waggamamas and becoming experts at traveling the Tube … Being sure to always “Mind the Gap” …


We were about to cross the street to make our way to walk the banks of the Thames River. I only had a few seconds to get the shot.. Unfortunately… I did not bring a tripod with me ( Big mistake)… IMPROVISE… Parking meter? My shutter speed was well below 1/60th of a second (if your shutter goes below 1/60th of a second always resort to a tripod… or a makeshift tripod like….a parking meter?) Resting my tripod on the meter, setting my shutter speed…I took the shot …The curved head of the meter made it difficult to keep the camera steady…. but nonetheless I got the shot…… Thanks London for sharing your city with me (and my camera)!

Quick history/ Info Lesson on the “London Eye” compliments of Wikipedia:

November 25, 2011

VB Sunrise: The Sky is on Fire

“You can’t help someone get up the hill without getting closer to the top yourself” – General H. Norman Schwartzkop

Compliments of Mr. Unkown