Posts tagged ‘body’

November 7, 2011

The Work Station Workout

Busy.. stressed… no time for a little pick me up (in the thighs or in your spirits)!

Get your blood flowing and your body toned from your make-shift gym right in your cube, office or work station! Follow my 3-minute work out (do 3-5 times a day).

Tone your legs, butt and thighs

Stand with the back of your chair just barely touching your legs

Squat, hovering an inch over your chair. Repeat 10-15 times and hold your last squat for 10 seconds ( Next week, go for a new record- 15 seconds!)


 Starting Position…

A slight bend in the elbows… and push back up… Repeat 10 times..

Chest & Back

Start with your hands set apart from each other (as seen in photo below). have your body flat as a board and in a 45 degree angle.

Push Up time… .. Repeat ten times


Start with your hands close to each other and have your body flat as a board in a 45 degree angle (as seen above- notice hand positioning has changed)

 Push up time.. Your elbows should be touching your sides when you come down. Hold your stomach in and repeat 10 times.

The Shoulder Burn

 Start by sitting in your seat and placing your arms in the  T starting position with your palms facing the floor. Hold your stomach in and back straight:

  • Create small forward circles with your arms… Repeat 10 times
  • Create small backward circles….. Repeat 10 times

After you have finsihed the above stay in the starting T position and  lift your hands over your head like you are going to dive into a pool, palms facing eachother bring back down to starting position. Repeat 10 times

After the above is complete 10 times, do not drop your arms, come back to the starting T position. Bring your arms into each other, palms facing inward. Repeat 10 times

If you need an additional leg burn… squat and hold your self up hovering just an inch over your chair while doing The Shoulder Burn.

Repeat the entire routine 3-5 times each day.

Ladies… Keep your heels on for a little extra burn!