Posts tagged ‘earth’

March 6, 2012

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” Mahatma Gandhi

Photos Compliments of Mr.Unkown

February 4, 2012

Growing Green Edibles…AVOCADO!!

Thanks to my foodie roomie, Google and Mr. Jube- The chef/ philosopher who knows everything about everything-I received a lesson on how to grow my very own “Green Edibles”- avocado tree. So I have taken on the challenge to nurture and grow my very own avocado tree.

To Start you will need the following:

  • Avacado
  •  toothpicks
  •  a cup
  • water

Cut open the avocado and remove the pit.

Stick 3-4 toothpicks through the thickest part of the avocado pit, push each toothpick approximately 1/2″  into the seed.

The toothpicks should be evenly dispersed around the center of the pit. Then balance the toothpicked avocado pit on a glass. Be sure the pit’s point is pointed to the ceiling and the larger base is faced towards the water.

Fill the water up to the base of the avocado pit ( Above photo)

Set in doors where the sun indirectly hits it.


Change the water frequently and watch that baby grow!

Hopefully if I do not kill this thing by next week I will be able to return with a report of her sprouting process. ( Yes, I did refer to this “pit” as a her- maybe next time I report “she” will have a name.)

If I manage to keep her alive and growing, the following will need to take place:

Once a stem grows from the seed it is time to plant the pit in the soil of mother nature. Place the sprouting pit in the soil leaving the top of the pit free from the soil. Water frequently.

Pictures of either my diseased tree or my sprouting tree to come…

January 14, 2012

…Georgia Moonlight…

The moonlight reflected perfectly off of the clouds in the sky and the fog that settled on the land below. I sat out on a porch in a Clayton, GA home admiring the beauty that sat below us. Luckily I had my camera and tripod handy to snap the shot. The camera was set at an extremely low shutter speed, this long exposure allowed more light to enter the lens so I could catch the true beauty of the night sky. Always use a tripod with exposures of 1/60th or below.  

Enjoy the “Georgia Moonlight”…

January 11, 2012

A New Beginning… VB Sunrise Jan. 2012

 “Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” Jim Rohn

Sunrise Photos: Compliments of Mr. Unkown

January 6, 2012

August Skies…. Mr. Unknown Shares Another Sunrise

“The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything.” Theodore Roosevelt

Photos: Compliments of Mr. Unknown